Wednesday 19 June 2013

Customer Retention Strategies

With company and brand reputations more transparent than ever, the importance of managing your company’s customer service has never been more crucial. Facing the dilemma of marketing and advertising costs at a premium, why not learn to leverage the “free and low cost marketing” that is grossly under-used: Customer Retention?

Here are some customer retention strategies you can use to develop and maintain relationships with your customers and keep them coming back for more:

1. Acknowledge customers by name

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software has made it easy to profile and track everything about your customers, but don’t forget that one of the easiest ways to create a personal connection is to call a customer by name. Whether in person, on the phone, or in an email, acknowledging a customer by name is an easy way to personalize the experience.

2. Reducing Attrition

The easiest way to grow your business is not to lose your customers. Virtually every business loses some customers, but few ever measure or recognize how many of their customers become inactive. Most businesses, ironically, invest an enormous amount of time, effort and expense building that initial customer relationship. Then they let that relationship go unattended. In some cases they lose interest as soon as the sale has been made, or even worse, they abandon the customer when an easily resolvable problem occurs, only to have to spend another small fortune to replace that customer. Once you stop the leakage, it’s often possible to double or triple your growth rate because you’re no longer forced to make up lost ground just to stand still.

3. Keep it simple

As technical as the business world has become, simplicity is still king. Some companies encourage staff to send handwritten letters thanking customers for their business. Remember that creating a positive experience when you’re face to face with a customer is key to increasing customer retention; it’s as easy as looking the customer in the eye and telling them how much you appreciate their business.

4. Extraordinary Customer Service

The never-ending pursuit of excellence is to keep customers so satisfied that they tell others how well they were treated when doing business with you. Moving the product or service you deliver into the monarchy of the extraordinary by delivering higher than expected levels of service to each and every customer. Key facets include: dedication to customer satisfaction by every employee; providing immediate response; going above and beyond the call of duty; consistent on-time delivery; delivering what you promise before AND after the sale. Extraordinary service builds fortunes in repeat customers, whereas poor service will drive your customers to your competitors.

5. Stay connected after the sale

Make email marketing efforts and social media tools a part of your customer retention strategy, so you can stay connected with customers long after they've left your store or office. Keep in touch with customers to gauge their experience with a product, or use an email newsletter to provide relevant content that they can share with their network. In addition, connecting with customers through social media sites allows you to resolve any issues and answer their questions directly.

Other customer retention strategies include:

  • Welcome Book
  • CRM Systems
  • Loyalty Programs
  • Magic Moments
  • Overcome Buyer’s Regret
  • Personal Touches
  • Premiums and Gifts
  • Questionnaires and Surveys
  • Blogs
  • Social Media